Restoring my 1970 Duster

Hi there,
some weeks are passed and the RusterDuster lost mostly all the rusty parts on the floors - I welded new ones in.
Last weekend I put all rolling parts out, so the car´s standing without front and rear axle in my garage. Also I put out the transmission ...
Now I put the parts from the axles, brakes, crossmember in their parts.... to bring it to the sand blasting company. After this these parts will get a new paint with POR 15.
For the new electricty I´ve got the 12 circuit wiring harness from ez-wirering - I used it also for my 1956 PU F 100 , so I think it´s an easy way to make all wirering new.
Next work will be : cleaning the underside of the car and give all the parts and new paint with POR 15... I think this needs aprox. 5 Weeks of work.
At a first test I removed the paint on the inner front fender.
