She's LUMP! Restore or Part/Scrap? FABO Help!

Looks like it presented well at the show.

I'm really pleased that the the car is good looking enough to even take to a show with everything else going on.
LOL I commented to ABB that it was the first time I felt the car was done enough to wipe all the dust/overspray from off the dash! Heck, I have never even wiped down the interior with spic and span untill this show LOL
Usually I wipe and clean interior on anything we get first thing. weird...:happy8:
Didn't win anything but the quality of the other cars REALLY came up this year. The guy who parked next to us this year (GTX) usually wins best mopar but this year an Abody won. It really was a clean fresh restore. I'll post some pics soon.
We had both noticed the numbers of cars was same or slightly more by 5-10 cars. But none of the junky projects showed up (Like Lump)! LOL
Really nice cars this year...Above average.
Didn't get to show on Sunday at the BBQ fest. I thought it wouldn't be good thing $$$ wise and sense the title of our 68 shasta showed up a week early SAT. I thought it better to get back on the camper for sale for the house note this week. So I bought a gallon of wallyworldcolorworld paint and pretty much knocked out the rest of the exterior. Looks good enough now so I listed it for sale too. Still working on it though to finish interior remodel. I'm about 4 days out from completion on it.
Good Times!
The best part of the car show was sitting under a shade tree on a sunny day with a cool breeze blowing all the while staring at ABB and Lump between snoozing naps and grilled hamburgers, with nothing else to do for 6 hours or so!:tongue1:
Have a great day today chryslerfat!