1969 Dart GT Convertible

So it's been a month or so since my last post. 1 step forward, 2 steps back...again. I had ordered and received my convertible top (not a factory unit) and glass back window. Delivered the car to the guy doing the interior and top. After a few days get a call "You know they made the material around the back window in the wrong fabric?" Ugh, 3 more week delay for them to correct their screw up. In the mean time, found one of the top tension cables needed to be replaced. Except that there "were" no cables available for a 69 Dart. I sent my one good original to Convertible Top Specialist in Inverness Florida and for the princley sum of $40 shipped I have a set of way better than new cables. They also now have them available for a 69 Dart (which are different than barracuda, ask me how I know!!). Today the car went back to the top shop for top install. I've also decided on some color and material choices for the interior - definately not stock, but also not wild custom either...like the pink snake skin vinyl that I saw at one shop. I'll keep all that under wraps until it is done and I'll post some pics. It is definitely different but looks awesome.
In the mean time, I had the 2 core 22" radiator sent out as the top tank had developed 2 pinhole leaks. Since the radiator was going to be apart I opted for a 3 row to be installed in it's place. When it came back wouldn't fit back in the car. Once of the F'n new guys used too wide of a top plate sending the fins into the fan upon installation. 8 days later all was better. I was surprised to see the original 2 row chock full of RTV of every color imaginable. Surprised it flowed at all. Now the newly built radiator is full of distilled water and water wetter and cooling just fine in the 100+F AZ sun.
As of 2 weeks ago I might have had 150 miles on the car just taking it on short trips, but I had signed up for a driving event in AZ that was going to take me 350 miles horizontal and 7,000 feet vertical. I signed up for this event months ago on the hopes that at least the top would be done. Since the parts for the top were not in and I wasn't getting any work done on the car while it was an hour away in someone else's shop I repossessed the car, put the radiator in, and took it. No top, hardly any interior save for front and rear seats and arm rests, no heat (37F in Flagstaff Sunday am), no A/C (94F cruisin in Phoenix), no wipers (shorted a wire in the motor, still work, but with issues), no side trim (still haven't painted it), my 11 year old daughter and I went anyhow. The car was flawless and the only road issue was a loosened top shock bolt caused the washer to rattle and drive me crazy till I figured out what it was. The event featured about 30 cars of different vintages, makes and manufacturers, rolls royce, 55 T-bird, fire truck, handfuls of corvettes, mustangs, Fiats. And 2 Dodges, my Dart and a 4WD power wagon (late 70's). The event was billed as the Cannonball, so true to the event my daughter and I dressed as Civil Defense workers and played on the theme of radiation engineers complete with a radiation survey meter, full body suits with hoods and 1000' of Hazardous area tape. (there were none in the real event, or the subsequent movies, but we tried to be original). We finished the event and took home a few awards. The best part was how well received the car was by the general public, and fellow Cannonballers. I wish I had some better shots of the whole car, but I was busy driving while my 11 year old navigator shouted directions. I am sure I won't have too may complaints of the photos I was able to get......anyone??????

At one point I had 4 Cannonball women in the car, but I was too busy to take photos. I'm gonna love driving this car.....