Very Low Oil Pressure in New Engine

You have to have the engine turned to exactly the right spot for oil to come out of the holes that feed the rocker arms and it's a different spot for each side. It doesn't come out continuously so ignore that as a problem. Did you cut open the oil filter for an inspection yet? That'll tell you if it's a major problem or not. If there's metal crap in it you know something catastrophic happened. If not it's possible the oil pump relief valve stuck open. Your mention that the oil pressure reached nearly 90 psi during break-in doesn't sound right because the relief valve should not have ever let that happen. Did you disassemble the oil pump for a cleaning and inspection before installing it? You should always do that cause you wouldn't believe the lousy quality control in some factories. Do it as fast as possible so they can sell another seems to be the motto of today.

Good point on the upper end oiling. I was assuming some would get past the cam bearing, but it's not grooved so I guess not.

Took apart the filter this morning. No chunks of bearing material with a readable part number. There was a little metal in the canister, but nothing I would get excited about with a fresh engine.

I had a picture of the gauge as it was quite high, but I can't find it now. Got to go to work...

Some hints:
Always always always always take the new oil pumps apart, pull the cotter pin, and remove the relief valve so you can clean and blow out the passages.
Always always always keep the notebook where you can get it quickly.
Always always make sure the bores and oil galleys are spotless clean when you're washing the block before final assembly.
Always verify by backlighting and looking down each passage that the cam bearings are positioned to allow for full oil to the top end.
Always triple check the oil galley plugs during assembly - I place a check mark in my assembly notes to verify I did it - Once after the cam breaings are in, once after the crank/pistons are in, and once before bolting on the tin and intake. You might be surprised how often you find one missing somewhere just before the intake goes

Check all that. Well except for my notebook.