Stock Rod Limitations?

Its anywhere form 9-12 bucks a rod to clean, mag,press bolts, resize, bolts are about 45-50 bucks.
So 145 bucks 'old rods' compared to 300 bucks 'new rods'

We like to use 40 yr old blocks, lots of heat cycling there. Rolls Royce sets blocks out in a field for yrs before using them in production. will a rod grow more as it is new compared to one thats old, already cycled and proven to be good?
Just ponderings.

Its my opinion that sometimes people just like buying/replacing parts, even when it's unnecessary.

I do agree that the scat i beams are quality rod, but why not just go h beam for another hundred bucks and have even more room to grow? lol about a race block too and some w9's....oh wait, whats he building again? jk