Hunting Bombers

Love B17's! I've always liked them I went to check out the one in the first post at Moffett Field a few years ago. It's called "909", although it's not the original 909, but a replica. Anyway, I dragged my wife with me. She wasn't too interested at first, but once she got inside the plane, she thought it was really cool. I've gone back once since then. Haven't taken a ride in one yet. It's on my bucket list.

Ever since seeing a B17 up close, I've been reading every good book about them that I could find. Just finished reading the late Col. Robert Morgan's book "The Man Who Flew The Memphis Belle". Good read!

I wouldn't say I'm obsessed with B17's, but I can't get enough of them!

If you want to find out more about Witchcraft and 909 and where they will be, check out the Collings Foundation.