Not really Mopar, but the cray cousin of all motoring companies

You had to go and to that didn't you artful dodger? Now I have been all over the internet, from site to site, reading about Collier Motors and drooling over the pics. Love it and thanks. I think this is not too far from my new home here in NC. My best friend in HS was an AMC guy, since his father was the long time service manager for the local AMC dealership back home. I still remember with feelings of guilt, wrinkling the fender on his brand new SCRambler. I was home on leave and he had kindly offered to let me use it. He currently has a 89 AMX with a mildly built 401. He has had several AMX'S and cloned at least one SCRambler a few years ago. When we were in high school, "the gang" toured the back roads looking for old cars to buy and hot rod in his 61 rambler wagon which was also our parts chaser. His sister had a beautiful 64 (?) Rogue hardtop at the time. Sorry for rambling, but the memories come rolling back.