You ever sneak the keys from Dad??

Man I miss my old 68 :( There's no better view then those "valve" covers on that beautifully shaped hood. Thanks for the ride Steve. And when you're brave enough, thank Pops as well ;).

So at 17 was kind of "car grounded". Me and my bud pushed it out the driveway, and down about 4 houses before we hopped in to make our escape. Made it two blocks when the cherries went on behind us. Of course, the cop asks why we were pushing the car, so I confessed. He made us drive back home, and waited in his car while I asked permission. I stuck my head in the door and yelled out that I was needing to take the car out. My dad responds "Oh, I thought you already took it, but thanks for asking". I went out, the cop gave me the nod, and we drove off.

About ten years later, at a family gathering me and the bros were sharing those stories we never would have told while still living at home, you know the ones. Well, my dad starts to recount the time me and my bud pushed the car down the street, got pulled over by the cops, and had to come back to ask for permission. I was dumbfounded, as no one knew that one! I looked at him, he smiled and nodded.. yep.


Great story Grant! Sorry bout the sound quality, I know the car is loud, but I didnt think it would be that bad. I wanna invest in a good mount for the camera. Ive snuck other cars in the past, but never got called out on it.....yet
