Cliff's Wife

Hi Guys, Just wanted to let ya'll know that he went to the doctor today and it seems the liver problem maybe something he has to live with. We will know exactly what's wrong this coming Monday. The hospital called this afternoon and his liver biopsy was rescheduled for this Monday the 21st. The are also checking his blood for b12 and vitamin d deficiencies as well as the blood workup for cancer, which according to the doctor is very unlikely. So we just have to wait until the biopsy results.

I'll be back next week sometime cause he also has a sleep study Wednesday. Again, another busy week for doctors but at least he's here(sometimes) ha ha ha


GREAT NEWS!! Mary I'd like to make one suggestion. Buy the book titled,"minding my mitochondria",by Dr Terry Wahls. Read it cover to cover twice,make notes and changes!! There is an explanation in this book for what has happenned to Cliff,myself and all North Americans eating a typical North America diet.