Cliff's Wife

Cliff I am sooooooo glad you are feeling better!!! I also am getting better,a day at a time. It's no pill form cure,takes time. It took Dr Wahls 18 months to fully recover,but if she misses proper eating for a day she still feels the effects accutely.So it's lifetime commitment.

You will be amazed by this book. I thought I knew healthy stuff,apparently not.My eyes have been opened,and no-one will ever close them again.

Her book is based on good solid research,some of it done many,many years ago by other researchers who still had paleolithic diets to study and compare to the north american diet.

We are lliterally being robbed of nutrition by the mass produced crap available. There is zero food value in anything white,like flour and rice. When we eat it,we get empty calories and sick as well because our bodies are not getting the nutrients needed to remove toxins and repair cells.Not even the meat being sold to us is any good,as it is corn fed. Guess what? Corn has very little nutrition,is moslty starch. And they feed it to everything!

OMEGA 3 all the way baby!!!!!!!!!!!