
I tried to get T-F parts through a local dealership. I filled out a form created by the dealership that ont he form included: Name, Email, Phone and Year, Make, Model, VIN, Part Number in question with a description. They said that they needed the Year, Make, Model, VIN, and part number. So that just frustrated the hell out of me.

This woman on the other end of the computer asks for my Year, Make, model and part number.

I tell he no, how about you look at the for again and check.

I get an eamil back saying something to the effect of sir just tell me the information and don't be rude with me.

By now my mind races and "wow" just "wow" she has the gall to tell me this after I ALREADY submitted a form to the dealership where all this info was REQUIRED. I went and I ranted on her about how inept she was and how useless Chrysler is now-a-days.

I never heard back...