Blowin' Smoke! Please Help

So i wanted to do a follow up on this thread. since last time i wrote on this thread I have installed eddy rpm heads and was hoping that all the smoke issues would be solved. I was able to fix the smoke issue when it was cold and with the new heads it doesnt blow any black smoke at all in the top end of a run. However it does put out a very slight amount of blue smoke which I know is oil. I have checked my timing which is set just right, about 16 initial and 36 total. and I have checked my compression all of the cylinders are right about 150 except for my #8 cylinder is around 143-145 psi. now I know I probably dont have to tell you guys that the most discouraging thing is when you finish an expensive rebuild you have been working on for a long time and find out you have a bad cylinder. so I was wondering do you guys think that is where the smoke is coming from? even though its such a small difference? and do you guys know any tricks to help it seal up with out tearing it apart? I know many of you will say pull the motor and tear it down but there is just no way because of the funds. I was thinking of trying that "mechanic in a can" stuff, I forgot what its actually called but its blue and comes in a silver can with a pull top kind of lid. any of you guys ever try it with positive results? sorry for the long post I just feel very discouraged and upset right now. thanks for any feed back. -Kory