Ironic I was the threadstarter of this and my slant saved my life as its forgiving steering was my saving grace from hitting the Jersey Barriers and flipping it.
If I was in a new car, I would've flipped the car into oncomming traffic and surely be dead.
The entire Baby Boom Generation was raised in cars like our Slants: unbelted, unabsed, unbagged unsensored and survived. Cars just like ours drove billions of miles carrying people of all ages mostly without incident.
According to Govt. Stats the death rate on the roads had been trending downward. Every decade since the 20s, simply due to the improvements in each succeeding generation of cars.
At some point we reach the law of diminishing returns where eventually the new vehicle will be so "safe" and so expensive the masses will be priced out of the market. Which would make a certain element of society giddy with happiness.
You raised a legitimate question. Just being aware of the limitations of our vehicles makes a great stride toward being safe in our driving a 60s era vehicle. Someone already suggested he drove his Slant like he would a motorcycle. A brilliant observation. And wouldn't have been posted had you not started this thread , Valiant Bandit.
Hopefully at some point common sense will prevail and the people who wish to save us all from ourselves will realize passive restraints will never be enough to save the stupid from getting around even the most sophisticated technology.