Watkins Glen Experience

We just got back after spending two days at the Glen with Chin Motor Sports. The FABO gang was right, it wasn't the snobs vs the slobs at all. There was a lot of high end cars and wealthy people, but they could not have been nicer. Everybody loved the old Cuda. I must have gotten 500 thumbs up.

I would go down the back straight spraying the nitrous making 500 hp worth of noise and it sounded great bouncing off the barriers. I had a German guy come up to me as I was coming off the track and he said "I vant to buy some of your sound". Some of these guys had million dollar rigs and they would give me a thumbs up.

The car held up great, but I was really slow around the course the first day. Street car brakes heat up fast on the track. I got a really good instructor the second day and learned I could really add power through the turns. I have to admit it was the second most fun thing I have ever done in a car, LOL.