Service Technicians vs. Auto Mechanics

I dont care what you call me. Just don't compare what I do to the guy in the coveralls on the commercials who they potray to be a "grease monkey" like Gruber on Andy Griffiths. I don't mind being called a technician or mechanic if you respect what I have to do to be good at it. I can fixt the 50 year old stuff as well as the 2012 models because I have applied myself at my work & rose to the challenges put in front of me. Keeping up w/ new technology instead of fearing it. Learning from mistakes & knowing what my weakness may be & dilligently working to get better in those areas. I have worked mostly in dealerships my carreer, but have worked in independent shops & now own my own shop. The industry has changed from what it was for our fathers. It is way more specialized now than ever. That's also why you have a Service Advisor in the white shirt talk to you & not the technician. And the SA's job isn't easy either! I fix cars from the dealers & other independants who couldn't figure it out or more often then not, were just too lazy to go through the necessary steps to properly diagnose a problem.
It comes down to this: The quality of work you will get doesn't matter if it's from an independant or a dealer, only if the individual who is working on your car that day cares enough & is knowledged enough to do the job right. Flat rate pay systems force time & money to be a major consideration to most technicians(or mechanics) when job quality & customer satasfaction should be 1st priority.

I'm a Factory Trained & ASE Master Auto Technician w/ 30 years exp. & I'm proud of it because I know what it takes to be good!

AGREE!! Flat rate time has alot to do with good or decent techs turning into hacks just to try to make time. Warranty flat rate times any more are a joke.