833 tranny

Actually if the long tail shaft has two shifter mounts you can use it in an A-body if you don't mind a little fabrication. You will need to fabricate a adapter that bolts to the rear position on the tailshaft and positions the shifter forward to the normal a-body position (the front mount is partially under the torsion bar cross member). The second thing is the drive shaft will need to be shortened. Bigblockdart.com has a drawing for the adapter.

I put a long tail shaft A833OD tranny in my 68 Barracuda back in 2000 and now 70k miles latter I am still rowing the gears.

Heres the plate you need to switch the shifter position

With a little custom fabrication and a nice B/E body 4 speed you can stick it into your A body Hot Rod! Duster 413 gives us the info to do just that.​

The above template will provide you with the adapter needed to pull this off. Below are a few pics of the adapter.​

There are a few other mods required to use this adapter. The B-body mounting lugs must be ground down to keep the lugs from hitting the trans support rail (Or you can notch the support rail.) (Green arrow.) Also, you will have to give the trans tunnel a couple of dimples with a ball peen so that the adapter attaching bolts don't jam against the tunnel. (Yellow Arrow.)​