Cliff's Wife

Raw foods are your friend Cliff, I see some good friends here posting great advice.:cheers:
It is good to see the great news today :blob::blob: :cheers:.
My doc said I am holding my own and keep doing what I am doing.
So looks like a Hawaiian bloody Marry stays on my food list, V8, a couple drops of lemon juice same amount of wersisor souse (how ever you spell it) two celery stocks in a 16 ounce glass, Add 100% agava Tequila if you like or can. It's a great drink and fulfilling and makes me feel 10 years younger and makes it easier to get out and about :wink:.
Avocados are a must have and I love them, pricy!! yes :D but for a dollar it can do miracles
Search this some time and I wish you a great day today and an even better one tomorrow my friend :cheers: