I love my junkyard motor. Wheelie pic inside.

Check this out:

Need to buy a copy of this one.

This pic was taken for the final of the 12.00 index series at No Limit Raceway. I had the car dialed. I took 6* of timing, I put the street avenger 670 carb back on. I filled up the gas tank and I threw the spare from my trailer in the trunk.

It ran 12.02, 12.05 and 12.08 that day. I cut two .480 lights on a .400 pro tree.

The car picked up .08 in the 60' in the final (this pic) and ran 11.91 so I broke out. the previous best with that carb is 110 mph. On this pass, it ran 112.

This was my 3rd final since I have been running this series and something similar always happens.

The car hates me, but the motor performs well.