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so i think i might have figured out what it is... greg called an old racer that we know and he happened to race a hyper pack motor back in the day... he said that the MP book has a great fix for my very issue...

so we looked it up and it shows them installing a 3/8x3x8x3" dam in front of the middle to runners... then he had to stagger all his jetting, 1 and 6, 2 and 5, 3 and 4... said it made it a whole lot better!

So if it works SS you would have been right... it was a fuel issue... just not one that we could test lol...

now my question is that i run Autolite 65's... what would be a step hotter and a step colder?? 64's and 66's? if not i could use help figuring that out...