Mustang boss 302 vs mopar!
Herse is one for ood school(Ford,no kiddin!) One of my old customers,(b.s. king,no less) said he had a matching numbers 70 Boss. A few months later,walking to work,red light ensues.I hear a call out rev.I look over. I see a late model vette and a white 70 mustang fastback.Thev vette rolled the revs up 2000,2500.Mustang owner drops the clutch,HARD!(5000+!).Second gear was somewhere inthr mid sevens.Can you say slow chevy?He comes in a month later,says you watched.My comment"Stock my ***!) His reply? "I said numbers matching,not stock" .12.5 comp in the hole, bowl and guide work .and a. 600 lift roller.Mindblowing,if you pay attention to basics.