I was P.O'ed, she didn't like it, either

Can't tell you how many young girls I see pulling this crap.

They think they can do whatever the hell they want until they kill someone.

I passed a car wreck a couple weeks ago that had the highway shut down for a couple hours...turns out some stupid, pretty young girl was texting while driving, ran a mini van off the road and onto an on ramp where it got t boned by another vehicle and killed all the passengers in the mini van.

I just want to run the idiots off of the road myself when I see them textingor merging onto the highway, not looking, with their cell phone plastered to their left ear not even looking to see if the coast is clear with the attitude that Im just coming and everyone else better get the hell,out of the way because I'm more important than all of you.

In these cases I lay on the friggin air horns and give them a reality check.