Arizona Swinger

I've always wondered about originality for originality's sake?! I know a lot of people want to leave every little detail original, to the point of leaving anything that came from the factory, including runs in the paint, over spray on manifolds, hoses, etc., and even areas that were atrociously welded and even missed. While fine for some, my personal preference, and it's entirely my own, is that these assembly line workers were putting together a car, and were somewhat rushed to get their job done on that car. I don't think they were probably concerned about some future restoration being done on some 1 of whatever! But I also think that if they were given the time, they would have been a little more careful about things like over spray and runs, etc. Just my personal observation, and I'll still enjoy looking at both something original, as well as something that is detailed to the nth degree!
Yup, I agree. As much as I like seeing a survivor or one restored to that degree, Those shortcuts, mistakes and rushed assembly line "as-built" products look better when done right. Lets face it...when we attend a show, most people are looking for mistakes and's nice when they have to really search! Keep up the great work, your ride looks great and I enjoy the pictures.