need help

Hi...I own a 1975 dodge dart sport and I'm having some problems with it that the mechanic I was using just cant seem to fix. I do not know a whole lot about cars so if anybody who answers can please KISS it a little (Keep It Simple Stupid)...I'm basically just wanting to get an idea of whats going on so I can have a basic understanding of it and then get it to some other mechanic........

It has a new carburator, replaced spark plugs, oil change, and adjusted timing (all through this mech. I speak of) and I still have the original starts like a champ when it's cold, but after it gets warm if i stop at a store or somewhere and turn it off, when I go to restart it it has a lot of trouble getting going and keeps trying to stall...when I finally get past the trying to stall part it runs just fine.......thats the main problem

now after doing all this work to try and fix that issue and it still not being fixed when I am at a red light my car kinda shakes a little..not a lot, just a that normal? and occasionally when I'm going slow I hear a pinging/tinking me it seems like the carb or timing is still not adjusted properly but I don't know, this is my first classic car....

My other question, which is unrelated to all that, is when I first start it up and get going slow (pulling out of my apartment complex) I hear this metal popping sound kinda on the passenger side when I come to a stop...turning direction doesn't seem to matter...i thought it was coming from around the passenger side tire but then I would hear it underneath me that something I should worry only happens when I first get going, so I haven't been to concerned about it, but I don't want my wheel to fall of when I'm on the freeway either...

thank you for any help you can provide...I'm really getting quite frustrated and have been screwed over by quite a few mechanics, so I just want to know what to do about this and get an understanding of whats wrong