need help

when I am at a red light my car kinda shakes a little..not a lot, just a that normal? and occasionally when I'm going slow I hear a pinging/tinking me it seems like the carb or timing is still not adjusted properly but I don't know, this is my first classic car....

My other question, which is unrelated to all that, is when I first start it up and get going slow (pulling out of my apartment complex) I hear this metal popping sound kinda on the passenger side when I come to a stop...turning direction doesn't seem to matter...i thought it was coming from around the passenger side tire but then I would hear it underneath me that something I should worry only happens when I first get going, so I haven't been to concerned about it, but I don't want my wheel to fall of when I'm on the freeway either...

thank you for any help you can provide...I'm really getting quite frustrated and have been screwed over by quite a few mechanics, so I just want to know what to do about this and get an understanding of whats wrong
taking a guess this is a 225 /6. no , it should not shake when you are stopped in gear. few reasons are, the fuel/mixture is not correct, the choke is out of wack, the floats are not set properly, weak or excessive fuel pressure or the timing is not where it needs to be or there is still an ignition misfire. this is the time you need a service manual. you should also learn how to rebuild the carb and set the floats, and do all your own tune-ups, just because the carb is new doesnt mean its set-up properly out of the box. your "mechanic" should have never given the car back to you until it was running smooth as silk. did it even get a new fuel filter? also, you should learn how to set the valve lash, that could very well be the issue with the slight misfire and the ticking you hear. its possible you could have a slight vacuum leak somewhere as well. you could save your self a ton of money and heartache if you learn to do all this yourself, plus you wont have to rely on anyone else to fix your problems. these cars have very basic systems. plus you have a wealth of information right here at FABO. i have yet to see a problem here that nobody could not get fixed. as far as the wheel "popping" sound, get yourself a floor jack, lift the front wheels of the ground and shake them side to side to check for loose or broken suspension parts. you would be suprised how many "mechanics" dont even know where to begin adjusting a carburetor.

my last slant tune-up procedure went like this,
1) new plugs, gapped
3)set valve lash
4)fuel system
5)carb service
6)vacuum line check/pcv

all this stuff is very easy to learn, dont let it intimidate you. a basic job like this can be done in a couple of hours. it is all outlined with every thing you need to know in the factory service manual , plus they can be downloaded as well. if you dont mind getting a little greasy, this is the way to go. all it will cost you is the parts and an afternoon.