Labor Lawyers Advice?

If you are operating under the illusion that the amount of time you have worked for the company should dictate their commitment to keep you employed, you will be sadly mistaken. Your company will employ you as long as you are giving a return on the amount they are paying you and no one is able to deliver the same job cheaper.

I also have been a union represented employee and saw them turn their backs on the folks that they have represented. I have also been targeted by them. I have had grievences filed on me for taking time off to take care of my family while my wife was in the hospital. I had false allegations filed against me in an attempt to discredit me. In all cases I was exonerated.

If you fight the previous employer you can be black-balled in an industry that is fairly narrow. The best solution is to smile and move on. There is such a thing as winning the battle but losing the war.


(PS- I do know a good labor lawyer that practices in CA if you still want to pursue that route. PM my for the name)