Labor Lawyers Advice?

So you pretty much only represent the worthless employee's at the expense of the good employee's, this is what I suspected.

And why I don't like unions.

You cannot say you are representing the good employee's because you are forcing them to carry the dead weight of the bad ones. You should be helping the company do proper documentation and follow up on it. Other wise the mediocre employee will see what the bad employee is getting away with and become a bad employee.

You can still defend the useless, as best you can, but if he has no defense your hands are tied.

It is the companies right to deal with employees how they see fit. If they don't want to go after troublesome employees that is their business.

Clearly, you don't like unions. Very clearly, you don't have a clue about unions.

A union contract is a signed and binding contract between the Company and the Union. With this contract comes certain legal obligations.

If you are going to argue some point here at least take the time to learn about it.

If the company doesn't want to fire someone what should the union do about it?