A tale of two Dusters

Well, This have actually changed quite a bit since I last updated this thread. I am getting married in July, so that probably won't help with the finances, but I might be getting a house with a garage so that will definately help with the workspace issues.

I have decided to just fix the engine in my Gold duster and drive it without any more big upgrades for now. I'll probably swap out the wheels but that is about it.

I have made a big leap forward on my original green duster project however. I found a really great deal on a dirt track racecar that is almost a full tube frame and included a full floating quick-change rear, all wide 5 hubs and a three link rear. It is LOOSLY based on a G-body frame but I'm going to be replacing most of that anyway. My plan is to sell all the spare parts and stuff that I don't need to mostly re-coup my costs and then convert it to pushrod suspension and skin it with my green duster. So far with my Duster included I have about $1400 total in parts and should be able to get a bunch of that back by selling parts.

Well, that is about it for now, I'll try to post pictures soon. Thanks again for following!