Sir or Ma'am,
Hello. My name is Aaron Sullivan. I am sending this email as a request for information to assist in a current project that has been brewing on a classic MOPAR enthusiast site: It's a relatively large site, and I feel it important to note that this request is NOT coming on behalf of the site itself, but rather, a group of members on the site, who are making it a personal, pet project, to design aftermarket side window louvers for Dusters and Darts. In order to get the designs absolutely perfect, it would be spectacular to have dimensions for the side-rear window from a reputable and trustworthy source of automotive glass. I understand that it's likely a long-shot that you would be willing to share information that you worked to obtain with us for free, but I felt that, in the interest of creating the best final version possible, that dimensions from a manufacturer would be the most accurate source. I know that it would be easier to simply pop the window off, trace it, and scan it, but that leaves out subtle details, such as the curvature of the window, that we simply lack the instruments to measure correctly. Digging for information on the web has also turned up fruitless.
Thank you for your time and consideration. A portion of what is a rather large classic car community would be forever grateful for the kind service you provided, should you help us out.