Moving on to another new job.

I start Monday at a Ford dealer in the collision repair center. I'm excited!
I graduate with my associates degree on friday (the 15th).

This is the job I really wanted. I had been interviewed 5 times over the past several months and my instructors actually knew I had the job before I did.

I'm a bit nervous because they are starting me at a mid-tech which will really be pushing my actual skill level, but the shop manager already knows that.

As the shop manager explained, he had talked to my instructors frequently and knew exactly where I was.

I can do a correct repair at or above industry standards, which is the important thing.

But my focus has been on accuracy and not speed. I still get things done in a timely manner but now I will be working flat rate right from the get go.

I may be tired and hungry for a little while. lol

Being hourly in the beginning gives you a safety net but flat rate will motivate me to develop.