First Car Stories

First car was a '90 Escort wagon. The transmission went out, along other things in the POS, which led me to Toyota. I had wanted an A body since I was 4, and saw Duel, but finding one was hard. I eventually found a '70 Valiant, 225 /6 in sad shape. So I did what any inexperienced person did, I bought an American socket set and a Haynes shop manual. Surprisingly, it ran decently until it got cold. It through a rod, I had to sort out electrical problems with the rear lights, rebuild the brake system and troubleshoot the cooling system. To its credit, it usually started on the first try even with snow, with the original starter. I blew a transmission cooler line out in the country one night. I drove it home in 3rd gear with now tranny fluid. Fixed the line and refilled when I got home, and the tranny shifted as if nothing happened. I ended up selling the thing for parts when I joined the military. (it somehow still ran) Even with its problems, I was amazed at how much abuse that car could take!