Maple Grove Mega Mopar Action - Feedback Wanted

I'm the president of the Delaware Valley Mopar Association. The DVMA is the car club that has been handling the show field duties for the Maple Grove for the Mega Mopar Action shows.

All parties involved with the event want to improve it for next year. I'm looking for feedback on this year's event. I'd like feedback from both participants (show car people, racers & vendors) and spectators.

Constructive criticism is welcomed. Blanket complaints ("Too expensive! They want it to fail!") doesn't do anything to improve the show next year. Please be specific.

If you believe something was too expensive, please give an example (car show entry, spectator tickets, racing fees, etc.).

If you have attended a similar show that you felt was superior, please state what was better about that show vs. the show at the Grove.

I'll be posting feedback requests on a few Mopar forums. It might take me some time to reply to any questions, so please be patient if I don't get a chance to respond right away.

Rob McCall
President, Delaware Valley Mopar Association

p.s. Moderators, I wasn't sure if this should go in the NE forum or the general one. If it should be moved please let me know.