General Slant and Gas/Octane ???

I get my gas from the same place all the time. In the south it is called RaceTrack. They are pretty large here.

1968FormualS340 I don't really understand what you are saying. My car runs fine on both mid and regular but the power band changes slightly.

What I was trying to find out was if I may have my timing/carburetor or something off would it cause the symptoms I am seeing.

octane is the resistance to detonation... the higher the octane, the higher compression you can run with out it per-igniting... but its harder to burn...

so... by running a higher octane that what is needed you'll slow down due to it having to work harder to fire the charge...

for a stock slant pump piss is fine... run 87 with out a second thought... but if you can find 87 without alcohol in it even better...