My First Car

Oh I plan on it! I love to see the look on older peoples faces when they see me out in this thing! Im only 20 years old and I guess they dont see young people driving these old cars everyday. I enjoy talking to them about how they used to have one when they were younger and all the fun conversations that come with that haha.
Now to explain why I dont have this thing completely finished after 6 years of owning it...I made a stupid mistake when I turned 16 and my dad took the car away from me. I didnt care at the time because I had a lil Honda Civic Hatchback(the stupid mistake) and I thought I was going to build a Fast & Furious Racecar. The Dart sat in our yard from that day on until just recently this past year or so. I left for the Army when I was 17 and while I was gone I started thinking about that old junky car sitting at home in the yard and all the fun memories my dad and I had with it. I offered to buy it back off him for $2,000. Nope! my dad said. I kept on and on for a long time. Bad car accident happened, got medically discharged from the military, come back home and started technical college for Automotive Tech. Once again I begged my dad to sell me the car back so I could take it to class to work on it and fix it up, once again...nope! All this time I was looking at it sitting in my yard but not being able to touch it. Just last week my truck(83 Dodge Ram) blew the rear end out and I was stuck without a vehicle. My dad wrote me a bill of sale and I put the Dart on insurance 2 days ago. He told me as long as I dont do anything dumb to it or trade/sell it that I could drive it and get it looking good again. I promised not to let him down again and I mean it!