What have I got myself in to? Denver here we come!!

Well I've been driving the car back and forth to work and around town for the past couple weeks, and I have to say, it's way more fun than it was with the big block! Yea the torque sure isn't there like the 440 but man this thing is way more "useable" now. With the power steering it's easy to park, the power brakes make it easier to stop, and the a/c keeps my *** cool lol. It's been pretty damn warm the past couple weeks, highs around 108 to 110 and I can't get this thing to get hot. The cooling system is working amazingly, even with the a/c running all the time. I don't regret the change one bit.

This weekend I am going to swap out the 3.73 third member for a 2.94 unit in preparation for the 2000 mile round trip drive to Denver. I'm shooting for around 26 mpg on the road. I figure with the 2.94 in there that should be doable coupled with the overdrive. Right now with the 3.73 at 75 the motor is turning 2300-2400. I should be under or right at 2000 at 70 with the 2.76's. We shall see!