To Ride or Drive...

Never need to be married to have kids (plus if a split happens you still keep your stuff), could never understand the reasoning behind getting married despite the reason.

There's reasons for and reasons against. Legally, she's you, you're her. That can hold a downside, too, but in the case of something like what the wife and I are going through, now, having someone legally speak on her behalf without having to worry about power of attorney or living will documents solely because we're spouses can save a lot of headache in the long run if other family members decide to challenge things in court. Of course, to cover ourselves we still have the appropriate documents filled out, signed, witnessed, and filed, but not giving the other party a legal leg to stand on, right from the get go, helps.

But back to our regularly scheduled thread:

Personally, I'd sell the bike. As the wee-one grows, the Valiant will go a long way into introducing him/her to the hobby.