To Ride or Drive...
When my first child came, not only did I sell the bike which was a no brainier because they are friggin dangerous and my Wife's little Brother got killed on his street bike during our honeymoon vacation....not cool in any way, but with the new baby and all I was also forced to sell my Valiant project as well because I could barely pay the bills and the thought of EXTRA money was such a friggin joke I could hear the laughter in my head.
I guess it depends on your funds and your priorities....chances are the wifey is gonna make you sell the valiant too.
I made the decision that I would not start another project car until I could afford to do it right and would probably have gray hair starting by that wife jokes with me that I was right way back when I said that.
Long story short my build STILL took ten friggin years as time and money allowed.