HID Headlight conversion

Dan I think you should get your own lighting sticky at the top of the elctrical forum. Make it one of the locked no new post threads. I just reread your linked tech page again and learned some new stuff again.

Thanks, McN, I'll work on it -- subject to whether the moderators/administrators think it should be there. There are only two things really standing in the way:

1. I have a big backlog of stickies and FAQs and info dumps to write for a dozen different websites, that is in addition to getting/keeping the tech articles on my own site up to date and, um, oh yeah, doing my actual paycheque job as General Editor of the automotive lighting and driver vision/assistance industry journal

2. There's a very short road from "worthwhile effort" to "wasted effort" in trying to educate people about the lights they should and shouldn't put on their cars. I'm one man armed with the correct info on the topic versus dozens or hundreds of marketers with advertising budgets to push sexy (but dangerous/illegal) lights with BS and hype. I cannot possibly "win" (whatever that would look like); a lot of guys just say "Eff you, I want da bling and I can see at night, they work fine, so eff you!". Nobody elected me the world's headlight cop, and it's not a job I'd want anyhow.

I've thought of becoming a sponsor vendor on here, maybe I oughtta pull the trigger and do that.