This is so sad

2 feet deep ? I guess once she started to step in, her body shut down from the electrically and she could not pull herself out and burned up. What a way to die and so young. People frown on suing sometimes but what else can her family do and what good does suing do for her, shes dead. What an outgoing girl. The more I think about her dying, the sadder I'm getting. Many girls would be like, I'm not getting wet, no way, I might melt away, lol


N.Y. girl electrocuted playing mini-golf in Orlando

ORLANDO - Authorities say an 11-year-old New York girl was electrocuted while trying to retrieve a ball from a pond at a time-share resort's miniature golf course near Orlando.

Orange County deputies say Ashton Jojo cried out in pain Wednesday afternoon as she stepped into the 2-foot-deep pond. Orange Lake Resort guest Christopher Burges of Alabama heard her screams and tried to rescue her. He was also injured.

The girl died shortly after arriving at Florida Hospital Celebration.

The Orlando Sentinel ( ) reports that a medical examiner confirmed electrocution as the cause of death Thursday. Inspectors say it appears that electrical breakers for the pond's pump were improperly replaced.

Authorities say the Latham, N.Y., girl turned 11 on Friday. She was visiting Orlando with her parents and a brother. He was also checked out at the hospital, but apparently wasn't injured.