CAR HUNT! or BOF & me car shopping!

[ame=""]The B-52's - Follow Your Bliss - YouTube[/ame]

Look what just showed up!
Too bad our boy wasn't here for her arrival. He's at work tonight making caskets!

We got some pics and a video. Here are a few as a reminder of her when she left. Now a few of her back home!
Now he should be able to view on his phone at work tonight.
Guess we'll have to get him signed on here for new young gun.
The driveway is starting to look normal again.
We had sold her on 2-19-11. She has had 40K miles put on sense then!! WOW!! Son first got her at 32K miles, she now sits at 70 somthing. Nothing but gas put in for last 40k miles, rode hard, put away wet. Condition now? Needs love.

Just got off the phone with the guy I sold her to looking for her 4 sets of penstar keys, 3 fender moldings, 3 spear moldings (one is still on car) and 2 studed snow tires. He said he only owned it for like 3 months and gave all that stuff to the guy who sold it to the car lot. That guy had totaled his car too (like our boy now) and was going to use it for business too while waiting on Ins. to send check. Well he worked for nursing home network and would visit alot of nursing homes with elderly and disabled folks. Well alot of the time he would have to drive them around or even when he just showed up at the different homes on route, the residents would always come out and love on her. They would make up stuff to get to ride in her too. That would explain the high milage in 1 year. She sits at 76K miles now!! WOW! Drove her into the dirt. Lots of strange noises now and will need a total go through again starting with brakes. Big difference this time? I'll be tellin the boy how to do instead of me doing for him! LOL

Well Chapter 42 of
is now officially in the record books.
Hope we get a new member here that I'm related to!!
Don't be surprised if soon you are seeing pics of it at the strip for vintage weekend. The boy has already been thinking about it!

Tune in next time for the next issue of that crazy upside down, stange world we know as
Where fact is stranger than fiction.
Good Times!:cheers: