Fusible link melted!

Well i used my ohm meter to find the short and under my steering colum there was is a connector that goes to the ignition switch. When the connector was plugged it I got .2 ohms (almost a dead short) but I found that when I unplugged that connector I didn't read a short anywhere. So I replaced it and it ran for awhile until the small 20 amp fuse blew. I guess I'll run get a 30 or 40 amp fuse tomorrow. Oh and when I was troubleshooting I did bypass the ammeter.

You got .2 ohms from where to where? With the battery hooked up or what?

If you had a short TO GROUND of .2 ohms, it should have turned the fuse link into vapor and probably would have fizzled half the harness into a smouldering mass of semi melted, multi-colored plastic