Cam selection help please

I see that is one step up from what I have now. I was thinking something in the 280s/ around 240 at .050 no? I read some good and bad about the Mopar 484 cam which is one I am considering. I also was looking at the Comp 285 but that lift might be too much for my milled heads? I guess if I change cams I want to see/feel/hear a difference. My current Comp XE 268 sounds mild, at least to me, in my motor set-up. I think I have plenty of gear (4.10), light car (Dart), and will change converter to whatever I need to. Although my compression is 9.0-1. Plus, when I'm on the road, my RPMS are always 2000-3000 at cruise which is right at the beginning of the power range of some of the longer duration cams I have seen. Again, this is only a local car/show cruiser/stop light bruiser. No long trips here. I've read threads where some say they run the 484 and even the 509 cam in similar setups without problems on the street, then others say they are dogs!! And since a cam change takes a lot more work than replacing a carb, I want to make sure I get one that my motor will like and me as well!!