Low Mileage original 318 suddenly dead on 5 and 7 HELP!

I am a compression numbers guy first then the valve cover. If you take the valve cover off then do the compression check you end up with oil everywhere unless you put the valve cover back on. My dear departed friend always told me to work with the KISS program.... Keep It Simple Stupid!!! It has worked well for me.

in this situation, i would 100% agree with a compression check first, i was just curious if he had taken the cover off, since it only takes 5 minutes.

im kind of a visual inspection guy first. :D i like to see that the valve train is in good working order and there arent any loose pushrods or anything else. i recently went through the whole valve train bs with my 360,:banghead: and now i have my covers set up so that i can take them off and on in 2 minutes flat :cheers: and they dont leak. i also ran the engine with the covers off so i could listen for any noises coming from the valve train and lifters, and didnt loose but maybe 3 drips of oil at 65 psi :cheers:

but yes a compression check here would tell the story