Mopars at Carlise Pa

We got home about an hour ago. It was so hot the blacktop was sticky, kinda like walkin on a racetrack. I saw a ton of A Body stuff including some real nice rides. Did anyone else check out the dark blue pro-street fastback? Stroked 340, tubbed, caged, very nicely done. It was marked down to $18,000, which is a lot of money, but that car was well worth every penny. I usually make a lap looking for stuff I need, then another looking for stuff that I want, then another for stuff I don't want or need but have to have ( hats, t-shirts, hot wheels, models, stickers, posters). Half way through the first lap we went back out to the truck to get some water ( I took a case of water in a cooler with ice - must be getting old). The thermometer in the truck showed 106* at about 11:00 am. We did a few more rows, ate, finished the vendor rows, took half a lap through the show cars, half a lap through the corral, and got outta Dodge, pardon the pun.

God bless the men and women who have no choice but to endure those temperatures every day in defense of our freedom. I almost started to complain about the heat, then saw an American Flag and felt a little embarrassed that I wanted to complain in the first place.

Also, hats off to the crew at Carlisle for keeping everyone as comfortable as possible by offering clean facilities, clean fairgrounds, and actually standing behind those grilles and keeping everyone fed.