20s for the Demon - how low can I go? (big wheel haters don't look)
LOL I just knew the big wheel haters would come calling.
ocdart, the finger was just for you (kidding).
Hotlines, I'm totally in that mode. In fact I wasn't expecting to go so big in fact I was planning 15" steelies with white letter tires but couldn't find a wide enough white letter tire. So I went looking, saw a Chevelle that looked killer with 20s and 18s, decided to try the look and it got to me.
72BBSwinger thanks for good advice on my useless question :)
Coilovers crossed my mind as a way to reduce rear travel but I don't know enough about it. Something to reasearch I guess.
Cody, do you have a build thread? I'd like to see what you're doing.