66 Valiant Electrical Issue?
Forgot to mention, do you have a shop manual? You can download a 66 manual here:
The page no's are not the X-XX system of the Mopar original, so you'll have to "play" with the page no's With the viewer I use, the wiring index comes up on page 289, and the Valiant stuff is page 302, onwards
Part of the inst. panel is posted below. Locate the splice in the upper left corner, and the ammeter in the lower right corner
On the ammeter top terminal, "A1" is a no 12 red coming in from "Z" of the bulkhead, and this is the red battery feed shown in the MAD diagram, coming from the battery and fuse link. The other top wire feeds off to a dead end breaker. I don't know, accessory of some sort
On the bottom of the ammeter, "R6A" a no 12 BLACK feeds off and up to the splice at top left. R6A is just a wire no. NOT color. You have to look at the chart at the right to get color out of the wire no. On the MAD article this is the black on their diagram
Now the splice
R6A -- BLACK no 12, power coming from ammeter and battery
R6 -- BLACK no 12 goes to "B" of bulkhead connector, and off to alternator output
Q3 -- RED/ tracer no 14 feeds fuse panel "hot" buss
J1 --RED no 12 feeds power to BATT terminal of IGN switch
L1--BLACK/ tracer no16 feeds power to headlight switch for headlight power