66 Valiant Electrical Issue?

What Redfish says carries a lot of weight

As I said GET A LAMP in series with battery ground. That is the ONLY easy/ cheap way to protect the harness from burnup while you find the short. IF the lamp lights, you have a load or a short. Unhook the dome light while you are troubleshooting.

THINK about all the loads in the car. Remove fuses one at a time, and see if the lamp goes out. As Red and I said, you must have the ammeter jumpered or hooked up to get power.

Here's what I'd do:

With your lamp in the circuit, ammeter jumpered, fuse link jumpered, the short should light your protective lamp

1 Pull the alternator output wire off, and see if the light goes out

2 Pull the headlight switch connector off.

3 Pull the IGN switch connector off.

4 Pull fuses one at a time, looking for the lamp at each "pull"

5 Unhook the cigarette lighter.

6 If the lamp is still lit, wiggle sections of the harness, starting at the alternator and working around the engine to the bulkhead, then go inside and do the same. wiggle "sections" at a time looking for the light to change/ go out.

7 Last have you or someone else ADDED or chopped up the harness?

8 PS what did I leave out???