.557" purple shaft 318?

the .528 is safe and and with 1.6's would be great, most of the combos i found ran 12's, i'd like to progress to 11's but no faster, that will cost enough time and effort.
going fast with a 318 isn't common but here in Adelaide, guys have run 11.2 -10.8 in full street stock stroke 318's, there must be more like this in the States?
researching times for the purple shaft i found the .557 has been used to run 11.00 in 3.31 stroke 318 down to 10.3 with 340's
does this mean the cam would prefer 5000 stall and 4.56 gears for such a small motor?
i know that there is better modern grinds but a purple shaft is true tried and tested and has 70's cool like Zepplin.