
CB (children's band) has became a joke. When I was 11 (1975) I got an old CB gave to me and cobbled together an antenna and had a ton of fun talking to people. Everybody (well almost everybody) was courteous and gave you your turn to talk. Got out of them when I got my license in 80 (racin and chasin female tale was more important LOL) then in 92 I got married and needed a cheap hobby so I thought I'd get another CB and have some fun like the old days. Man how the world changed. Rude ignorant asses that you don't even know would cuss you out for no reason at all and key down over you so you couldn't talk. And nearly everybody has a freaking 250+ watt linear so you better have one too if you plan on talking very far (5 miles), just don't get caught running it. I threw them all in the garbage and got my amateur radio license in 2000. For your use I would highly consider MURS like 273 suggested.