
................I've always wanted a CB but never could figure out how to use one without a big antenna. I park my truck in the garage.

If you REALLY want an effective antenna, there are all sorts of ways around the problem. You can build a "quick" connect mount under the bumper, some mobile home guys have hydraulic/ electric, etc raising devices.

Here's my home-built mount for my old amateur "screwdriver" antenna. These got their name because they used a B&D rechargable screwdriver motor at the base to change the antenna loading. You could tune from 10M all the way down to 80M inside the rig. With an "add on" coil you could work 160M

Examples of amateur band "screwdriver" antennas:

[ame="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&newwindow=1&safe=off&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1252&bih=606&q=screwdriver+antenna&oq=screwdriver+antenna&gs_l=img.3..0j0i24l9.2515.5678.0.5827."]screwdriver antenna - Google Search[/ame]

This mount, although difficult to see, has a great BIG hydraulic hose coupler (works like an air coupler) to quickly disconnect the antenna. And yeh....I've forgotten to a couple 'o times