
remember when you had to have an FCC license to operate a CB? ...................................
As I recall, the law stated that if the CB radio was powered by the car's battery, you had to have a license to use it. I always supposed that to me that a CB that was self contained didn't require an operators license, but back then, I never saw a self contained CB.

Not quite. The only thing that was exempt were what fell under part 15, IE low power, less than so much power. Handheld, used to be called "walkie talkies" that ran less than (my memory is shakey) 500 milliwatts, or 1/2 watt

I also don't remember for certain, but I don't believe an unlicensed, low power unit was supposed to communicate with a licensed system. There was also for time, a limit on transmit time, 5 minutes, I think.

There is probably someone on the www who has posted the "old" FCC CB regulations.

The Class D CB so called "eleven meters" was once an amateur radio band, and earlier equipment had the "11M" position on the gear. The old Heathkit DX-100 transmitter is one such piece, ran a pair of 6146's modulated by a pair of 807's for a nominal output of 100 watts


as did the marvelous Collins 75A-4 receiver................(and boy do I wish I had mine back!!!!)


I first got licensed in high school in about 1964 or 5, and there were MANY hams (I prefer amateurs) who STILL held a grudge against losing the 11M band to CB which was enacted around '59.

When I was at Treasure Island, going to the electronics technician "A" school there in 68--69, we had a GREAT amateur station, K6NCG:



First tower I ever climbed was this 120 footer: This photo was taken long before I got there but it looked about the same:

Anyhow, one time I came in with a friend, and here were the "nuts" in the hamshack ON CB ILLEGALLY with our little Johnson transmitter. Probably this very one..............

You must bear in mind that first.............

ANY violation, even speeding is a VERY serious deal on a military base and THIS would have been a federal felony!!!!

Not only that, but all ETs were required to be approved for top secret clearance if needed, as for example, being assigned to cripto gear somewhere, etc. I never needed a clearance for what I did, but I had to be qualified, just the same. A violation like this would have blown that big time!!!

So this thing was not "type approved" for CB use, it ran too much power, it was VFO (variable frequency) controlled, and THAT means it drifted all over hell, AND there was a big major FCC monitoring station near San Francisco.